Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Greetings from China!

We apologize for the delay in getting things
posted on the blog, but we are having some issues with the Chinese
government and them not sponsoring the Blogger website. All of the
postings that we do will be put on through my brother Mike, who is
currently living in Japan. I am very appreciative to him because I
know there are millions of fans out there dying to know what we are up
to. So- feel free to comment any of the following entries, so we at
least know that people are able to read the site! Many of these will
be posted by Carla, as I am sending them to my brother, but my words do
not necessarily speak for all four of us that are here. They will be
contributing as they can as well. Thanks- or as they say here- xiexie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Updates!